Friday, September 23, 2011

Since Track It All is a company that relies heavily on websites such as Facebook and Twitter to promote, programs such as Microsoft Excel and Word to quantify and compute data, and photo-publishing programs such as Photoshop to show create advertisements and promotions,   it will need to invest in a powerful computer to run smoothly. 

There are many computers available in the market today, and most fill a specific niche. Picking a gaming laptop will provide me with components that the company would not need. (Like an improved sound card, graphics card, etc.) Through research, I have discovered that the company would need a desktop workstation. The specific desktop I found was the Dell Studio XPS 9100. Its specifications are as follow:

CPU- Intel Core i7-930 Processor with 8MB L2 Cache, clocked at 2.80GHz. This powerful CPU will provide me with adequate performance for anything from crunching data into Microsoft Excel to processing an advertisement through Photoshop.

OS-Windows 7 Professional. Though Mac OSX is a more refined and easier-to-use OS, Windows 7 provides many benefits for the business user. It is safer, providing file encryption, and automatic backups. It can easily connect to a wireless network and a printer. And finally it has more programs that are compatible with it.

RAM- 12GB Tri Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1333MGz- 3DIMMs. 6GB RAM will be sufficient for my workstation since I'll be running some memory-intensive applications such as Photoshop.

Video Card- Nvidia Geforce G405. This is the stock video card that comes with the desktop. The company does not need an advanced video card because the desktop will not be used for watching movies or playing games, hopefully.

Hard Drive- 1TB- 7200RPM, SATA 3.0Gb/s. This is the stock hard drive that comes with the desktop. 1TB is more than enough to store a few advertisements and documents.

In total, the price for the company's business computer is $1,149.99. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

For any business, it is essential that all money distributed, collected, paid, or taken in, is organized in a efficient, concise, and centralized location. Most businesses, from small pop-and-mom shops, to large corporations, use Microsoft Excel for this task, and Track It All is no exception.

Microsoft Excel is a very powerful program, especially when operated by an advanced user. For my business, Track It All, I will use Microsoft Excel to create charts, and track my y-o-y business growth.

Charts are pretty. They are the eye candy of the business world. They allow boring, confusing numbers to be represented in a recognizable way. Thus, I will use charts, created from data that I input into Excel, in meetings with potential investors. The charts will show the revenue growth, and profit earned of Track It All.

Conditional formatting and functions are two very useful ways for me to track the growth of my company. Functions allow me to easily find the average, sum, max, and  min of my earnings. For example, I could use functions to see the average spending on R&D in my company for the last three months. Or I could find the maximum and minimum expenditure in my company the last six months. Conditional formatting is also very useful in Excel. For example, I could use conditional formatting to highlight any department that I may be losing money.

Excel is a very powerful program. It is responsible for running the business aspect of my startup. I will use it to track all my income, find and discover any department in my company where I am losing money, track my y-o-y growth, and also to create useful charts to show potential investors.  

Friday, September 9, 2011

Keys are horrible little objects that contain so much power if put in the wrong hands. When they are lost, it's unsurprising for people to have nervous breakdowns, wondering if the key was stolen or merely forgotten. Why should people be put under so much stress for such an insignificant trinket? Take the stress out of life by purchasing a Track It Key!

A Track It Key will revolutionize the key world, starting with how it's marketed.

Facebook boasts an audience of more than 600 million members worldwide. A majority access the site every day. This provides a great and cheap location to market the Track It Key. A comprehensive Track It Key Facebook fan page will be created, updated daily, with links to the Track It All website and contact information. Fans are able to provide input on the project, from testing, to development, to release. News that can wait (like project development) will be posted to Facebook, but instant news will be posted to Twitter.

Twitter boasts an audience of more than 200 million members. Like Facebook, a majority access the site everyday. But unlike Facebook, news on Twitter is short and instant. They are targeted for those who have short attention spans. Twitter is also not as popular as Facebook, and some people create Twitter accounts only to follow their favorite athlete or company. This is a great place for those avid fans of Track It Key. Track It Key will tweet the latest news, coupons, and sweepstakes from Twitter.

Track It Key will devote all it's marketing budget ($0) to social media because it represents a great and inexpensive advertising opportunity. Facebook is the homepage away from homepage for Track It Key, with contact information and development news, as a well as a forum for fans to give their personal input. Twitter is the site for those super fans who want the latest news, coupons and sweepstakes that Track It Key has to offer.