It doesn't matter whether a company is multi-national or just a small business; all companies need a website. To many companies, this is the storefront, this is the place where people do the shopping; there isn't a physical store. Some examples include and This is the approach that Track-It-All would like to take. By not establishing a physical store, Track-It-All will be able to reduce costs, such as rent and utilities. But by ignoring a physical store, this puts more pressure on the website. will have to be a visually beautiful, easy to navigate and fast.
To do this, Track-it-All will need some basic knowledge on how the internet works. Information is sent through the internet in packets, which are small amounts of data that when all the packets are added up together present a coherent website. This means that in order for the website to be fast, it should use as little data as possible so that less packets will have to be sent across the internet. However, the website also has to be visually beautiful. This creates a dilemma for the website developer. He has to find the perfect balance between speed and looks.
After Track-it-All has a website established, the next step is to create an email account for all the employees. Track-It-All will establish an IMAP email account so that the employees will be able to see their emails on whichever device. This will reduce confusion and ensure that information is sent to everyone.
Jeff! I could not agree more with the website idea, in some ways i cant disagree because my business idea is like the "ebay of bikes". A website will save you a LOT of money, but how will you knock out your competitors? I think you should think deeper into your website idea. What features can you have that will make people want to go on your site? Stand out, be the first or just one of many who do something unique!